
跟美國內陸比起來,Bay area的夏季著實涼爽許多,不過這天倒是個意外。六月中旬,我家San Jose的氣溫幾乎達到灣區罕見的100度F(近40度C),終於說服我家老公,區車前往位於Santa Cruz County的Big Basin Redwoods State Park來趟避暑之旅。

Big Basin Redwoods State Park  
Look at the sunshine leaks through the leaves. How beautiful!


Big Basin Redwoods State Park是加州最古老的國家公園,1902年開放至今已超過百年,屬於北加州沿海森林生態區的一部分,並且是舊金山南部最大的海岸紅杉神木群。縱然灣區內陸的氣溫達到近100度F,在紅杉公園內,卻是涼風徐徐沿著小徑健走,享受著古老紅杉散發出的芬多精,耳邊也不時傳來悅耳的鳥鳴聲,雖然在經過兩個小時的健行後步伐顯得越來越沈;然而,我們的心靈卻在大自然的洗滌下愈發地茁壯,真得好享受爬山的感覺,雖然從我家開車到此地要超過70分鐘,對於熱愛爬山的我而言,還是覺得很值得,尤其是山林間這股酷似檀香的紅杉味,讓我忍不住多吸了幾口,恨不得能把這裡的芬多精灌滿我的五臟六腑。


Big Basin Redwoods State Park

Big Basin Redwoods State Park
Big Basin Redwoods State Park 
Big Basin Redwoods State Park


 Big Basin Redwoods State Park  
These trees may range from 1,000 to 2,000 years old.


Big Basin Redwoods State Park
Although redwoods dominate the landscape, many other plant species are common in Big Basin.

Big Basin Redwoods State Park
 Big Basin Redwoods State Park
Big Basin Redwoods State Park  
Big Basin Redwoods State Park
This park is the home of redwoods. Some redwoods measure more than 300 feet tall and 50 feet in circumference.

Big Basin Redwoods State Park  
We enjoy the natural phytoncide SPA provided by the redwoods which may range from 1,000 to 2,000 years old.


Big Basin Redwoods State Park
  Big Basin Redwoods State Park  
Sempervirens Falls is a 20-foot waterfall on Sempervirens Creek. The water level can be pretty low in the dry season, so this waterfall is best viewed shortly after rainfall. The location, however, is beautiful, and worth a visit even when the waterfall is more of a trickle.




就是喜歡這種hiking的feel,I love the nature!


Sempervirens Falls
"Sempervirens" is from the Latin meaning "always green" or "ever living" and Sequoia Sempervirens is the scientific name given to the local Coast Redwood.


Big Basin Redwoods State Park
住址:21600 Big Basin Way, Boulder Creek, CA 95006-9064



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